Thankful for...
- My beautiful, supportive, and loving family
- My crazy, fun, inspiring friends
- 16 years of education
- Good physical and mental health
- Love & Laughter
- Medical advancements/technology
- 2 legs, 2 arms, 2 feet, 2 hands, 2 eyes, 1 brain
- Food, shelter & clothing, my whole life!
- The ability to work toward whatever goal I set in life.
Things I love...
- How peaceful everything is when you bike/walk, as compared to driving.
- Tall glasses of ice water.
- Recycling!
- Random acts of kindness.
- Smiling at strangers.
- Babies falling asleep in my arms.
- Watching the clouds go by.
- Laying in the shade of a big, huge tree.
- My very best friend (& brother) Tanner
- The feeling of sunlight upon my skin.
- Listening to a favorite song on repeat, for days.
- Taking pictures of absolutely everything in my life.
- Turning off my cell phone and computer.
- Writing in my journal to reflect upon events in my life.
- Paying it forward.
I wish....
- Money never mattered.
- No one had to experience cancer (especially children).
- Volunteering and exercising were mandatory for all people.
- Everyone had access to good health care, at all times.
- I could always be around the people I love.
- Racism/sexism/prejudice didn't exist.
- All children could experience a happy and healthy childhood.
- I could act like a child at all times.
- I could grow up, without all the responsibility!