Now that I am done with my MCAT, unemployed, and practicing patience with the rest of my life, I have made it a priority to spend as much time as possible with the people I love.
I am so thankful to have such amazing relationships with my friends and family. I really don't know what I would do without all of their love! Their love and support was very evident during my MCAT studies... not a day went by without a note of encouragement, a visit to make me laugh, or a reminder of how wonderful life truly is. What a true blessing to be surrounded by love each day! Thanks to each of you for being so fabulous. <3
In the past few weeks, I have had the opportunity to catch up with a lot of people in my life. I've learned that I truly love to listen to people- and sometimes listening is much better than finding something to say. I learned so much about my family history from my grandma & grandpa after spending a week with them at the cabin- and I was truly amazed at how much I have in common with my great-great-grandparents. My grandmother says that her grandparents influenced her more than anyone else while she was growing up- so she wrote a lot about them & still had the stories for me to read. My great-great grandfather (aka as Gaga) was a ear, nose & throat doctor. The stories she wrote about him surprised me- and his outlook on medicine seems very similar to mine. She wrote of him providing a lot of free care to nuns and other patients- as he strongly believed in providing care for everyone, not just for those who could afford to pay for his services. Gaga seemed to be very strong-willed and educated, and his other interests included reading, animals and the environment (sound like anyone else?) I was thrilled to learn about my great-great-grandmother as well... she was a very compassionate, self-motivated, and loving person. It was such a blessing to be able to spend some quality time with G&G.
I enjoyed watching Jennifer get married this past weekend- she was such a beautiful bride. Always enjoyable to see two wonderful people get married, and of course, it's a great reason for the whole family to get together. I couldn't ask for better friends and family to brighten my life- they always know how to make me smile & help me see the beauty in life.
Chatting with Dad |
Jen's Wedding! |
My beautiful cousins (missing Ali & Britt!) |
Mr. Reve ! <3 |
Spending time with grams, gramps, and Mya! |
being lazy with mom :-D |
loving on my puppy dog |
great friends at daniels park |
lunch date with ty! |
After some quality time with unbelievably wonderful people, I am off to West Virginia! I will be driving across the country- solo - and I am actually very excited about it. I have never gone on a road trip alone before & I'm looking forward to spending some time alone on the road. Rosetta Stone Spanish Lessons, lots of music, & audio books will be along for the ride to keep my company- and the best part? I won't have anyone bugging me about how often I stop to snap pictures along the way (after all, I am my mother's daughter...)
I got a flat tire today- right before my trip- so I'm hopeful that I won't have any other car issues (but really, it's not my fault I didn't see the nail..) My hope is to leave early tomorrow morning to give myself enough time to enjoy the countryside, visit family, and arrive safe & sound at Gesundheit Institute on Sunday evening. Living with 20 perfect strangers in rural West Virginia? sounds like a grand adventure that I wouldn't dream of missing out on.
Love & Light,