Thursday, May 2, 2013

A Different Kind of Birthday

As I sit alone tonight, sipping on red wine in a recycled coke can, I find my heart full of joy. I'm reflecting back on 23 & ready to welcome 24  tomorrow. This birthday is unlike any from my past.

I'm writing by candlelight. I'm living alone. I'm the furthest away from home than I've ever been. I'm not surrounded by friends and family. I made myself a carrot cake from scratch. I have no big birthday events planned. It's opposite from anything I've ever known. It's different. And I like it.

Despite the change, I still find that I have so much to celebrate.
*the comfort I feel from the familiarity of a small village
*the way faces light up with a smile to greet me
*the chance to make an impact
*the opportunity to follow my dreams
*the time I have to listen, learn, watch, and love
*the ability to empower others
*the responsibility to be a good role model
*the love I give & receive
*the gift of a new day & a new chapter in life
*the awareness that nothing is permanent
*the insight & perspective that humbles me
*the fight to stand up for what I believe in
*the strength to overcome the most challenging situations
*the desire to continually improve upon my character
*the hope for a better future
*the joy in the little moments that matter
*the faith that there is a plan… for me & everything else in life

What more could a girl ask for?
Less really is more.

24… I'm ready.

Love & Light,

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