Thursday, March 21, 2013

With the Sun

As some of you know, I studied with Patch Adams during the fall of 2011 and Patch loves poetry. He has hundreds of poems memorized - - and can recite them however he sees fit as he is working with patients and people he loves. Inspired by his amazing efforts, I began memorizing poetry myself - hoping that I will find myself reciting poetry throughout my life whenever I think it is appropriate.

I find myself without the right words to say right now... which is what brought me to think of this poem. Sometimes using someone else's words help when you're at a complete loss yourself. I send my love, I send my prayers, and I send my positive energy - - as well as this poem. I love Kelsey from the bottom of my heart. She's one of the best people I have even been blessed to know - and she sees the beauty in the world around us more than most. 

If I could be there right this very second, I absolutely would be, reciting these words. Keep fighting to see the beauty in the chaos - know that I'll be thinking of you with every rising & setting of the sun - - and sending my endless love & support with it to your side of the world. 

by Mary Oliver

Have you ever seen 
in your life 
more wonderful 

than the way the sun, 
every evening, 
relaxed and easy, 
floats toward the horizon 

and into the clouds or the hills, 
or the rumpled sea, 
and is gone-- 
and how it slides again 

out of the blackness, 
every morning, 
on the other side of the world, 
like a red flower 

streaming upward on its heavenly oils, 
say, on a morning in early summer, 
at its perfect imperial distance-- 
and have you ever felt for anything 
such wild love-- 
do you think there is anywhere, in any language, 
a word billowing enough 
for the pleasure 

that fills you, 
as the sun 
reaches out, 
as it warms you 

as you stand there, 
or have you too 
turned from this world-- 

or have you too 
gone crazy 
for power, 
for things? 

Love & Light, 

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