One week has already gone by! We had three fabulous women leave us today-- they were only able to stay for a week. I wrote a little about Indrani, our yoga teacher, but I couldn't stress enough how wonderful she is. She is so full of youth, at the age of 58, and I only hope to be as healthy as she is at that age. Indrani works a lot with women's shelters-- to inspire and empower them-- and I wanted to share her website with you. I really enjoyed having a "mother-type" figure to look up to this week-- and I had plenty of heart-to-hearts with her. Very wise woman- we will all miss having our "momma" around. <3 look at her website!
Indrani's Light
Miss Indrani! |
Sarah also left today-- she was a pathologist for years, and then she quit her work as an M.D. to open her business on Shamanism. We learned a lot about her views on Shamanism and alternative healing-- very interesting and cool! Whether or not you agree with Shamanism, if you met Sarah, you would agree that she has such a free spirit and her love for life is infectious. We all loved learning from her! She met Indrani at a conference and the two women became great friends after that. Her website has some other wonderful things to look at and think about... check it out! we miss her warm heart and endless laughter already.
Follow Your Feel Good
Miss Sarah! |
Cindy is a Nurse Practitioner from Arizona who is also studying Naturopathic medicine on the side. Cindy has a heart of gold- and she provided a wonderful balance to our group. All three of these women have so much spunk and attitude-- such spit fires! Her love of her patients (she deals with chronic pain patients) is very obvious. Alternative medicine is appealing to Cindy- and she taught me a little bit about ETPS (electro-therapeutic point stimulation). I had a headache one night, and she used ETPS on me. My headache was gone within ten minutes! It feels like someone is poking you with a ball point pen, but after the therapy you feel so much better. Check out
Info on ETPS if you're interested. Cindy does training programs about this & she will be in Denver next week.
Saying Good-Bye to Cindy! |
It hasn't even been a week- and all of these women have left such an impact on each of the students. All the instructors, students, and volunteers are incredible, I feel very lucky to be a part of it! We have the weekends free of class & workshops, but all of us are still feeling rather tired. I have several assignments to complete this weekend. There is a town near here, called Lewisburg, and I think a group of us will go into town to check out the flea market. There are some very interesting characters here in West Virginia :-D so it should be fun to go into town and play around there for a while.
Patch is going to be here on Monday- and I am SOOOO EXCITED to meet him. He will be teaching us and we will be going on our first "clown trip" to a nursing home nearby. There is a lot going on this next week with new doctors coming in & plenty to keep me busy.
Hope all is well with everyone-- I'm having an incredible time here!
Love & Light,
Love it, love it, LOVE it!! Sounds like you're experiencing and learning all sorts of incredible stuff! Thanks for sharing the links... looking forward to checking them out! CANNOT WAIT to hear how meeting Patch goes!!!!