Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Happies & Crappies

Happies & Crappies is a fun activity we did today in our "transitioning back into reality" workshop this morning. Anyone who has been at Camp Wapiyapi with me before understands the indescribable magic that happens within a one week period. Leaving camp is always a let down because it is truly the best week of the year for the kids, as well as the volunteers.

Try four weeks.

My experience at Gesunheit has been truly magical, almost impossible to explain. All of us are struggling with the idea of leaving all of the love and support we have been surrounded with throughout the past few weeks. The collection of people here right now make you feel like you can do anything you put your mind to, the world is your playground. We did this activity to look into the future to find things we are looking forward to and also to identify areas of difficulty that may require some extra encouragement from the close knit group we have created here.

Here's what I came up with...

*having the ability to share the things I learned at Gesundheit with other people
*carrying the philosophy of Gesundheit in my heart throughout my upcoming life adventures
*holidays at home with my family
*preparing to leave for my adventure in the peace corps
*adding new people to my support system
*seeing my kids at Childrens!!
*visiting friends and family
*whole new perspective on love, life, and friendship

*checking my MCAT score (still haven't! maybe it will end up on my happy list, who knows)
*dealing with my medical school application
*proving myself as a worthy potential doctor
*fighting against time... I never win!
*bittersweet goodbyes ahead...
*leaving this beautiful place & all the beautiful souls here

Transitioning back into my busy, crazy life won't be easy. I can't even imagine what it's going to be like after 27 months in the peace corps. Maybe this is good practice...

group shot w/ tie dye
precious women
a group of women that will forever be in my heart
massage train! :-D 
Sara, Me, Nat, Kaile
Fun times studying at the Coffee Shop
Pure bliss. 
PJ Party
Morning coffee with Matilde
Silly friends! 
Dancing in the kitchen

I do love and miss all of you! I am looking forward to hugging each and every one of you. :-D I have the afternoon off now to work on my project, so I am going to stop procrastinating and start to work on my assignments. My final presentation is on Friday with my friend Kaile. She and I will be leading a workshop on how to incorporate play into health care. My project is about different techniques to use play as a way to collect patient feedback about their treatment & experience with the medical staff-- Kaile's is specifically about using puppets in medicine. You should see my puppet! oh goodness, she is beautiful :-D More to explain about it later, but until then, I must work!

Love & Light,

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